The City Naturalist
Red-Tailed Hawk
Article and Photos by Leslie Day
jamaicensis: genus name: Latin, a group of hawks which are
large, thick set with broad wings, wide rounded tails, and
habitually soar high in wide circles.; species name: Latin - of
the Island of Jamaica, which is where the first specimen
originated. Other names: Buzzard hawk, eastern redtail, hen hawk,
mouse hawk, red hawk, redtail.
The Red-tailed hawk is the best known
and most broadly distributed hawk in North America, because it
has a wider tolerance of habitats that any other hawk. It lives
throughout Alaska, Canada and the U.S. It lives in high mountain
country, deep forests, open pastures, in deserts where there are
some trees, in mountain forests of the Southwest and in urban
areas. There have been red-tails in Riverside Park for years.
However the one whose picture you see here has been spending time
daily near the Boat Basin since July, 1995. Many of us at the
marina feel that observing this large and powerful bird is akin
to a spiritual or religious experience.
DESCRIPTION: The largest North
American Buteo, 19-25 inches long (female larger than male);
wingspan up to 58 inches. Adults are dark brown above (back and
wings); eyes brown with head that appears hooded because of bony
shield over eyes; white on chest with brown streaks on lower neck
and broad band of dark streaking across white belly which looks
like a brown crescent (more noticeable on immatures); chestnut
red on upper side of tail thus giving it the name of
"red-tail". Immatures are similar to adults but
upperparts of chest more mottled with white and tail tip is not
red but banded with brown. Talons are large and sharp.
Weight for males 2 lbs. 8 oz; for females up to 3 pounds, eight ounces.
VOICE: high pitched, rasping scream kree-e-e-e starting high and slurring downward made while soaring and circling.
EYESIGHT: Amazing eyesight allows them to see small mice while soaring 100 feet above the ground. Although one third the size of a an adult human male, their eyes are as large as a man's - sometimes larger. The greatest density of nerve receptors seen in any eye has been recorded for a hawk. Their eyes are specially adapted for rapid change of focus (while hunting they go into aerial dives of 120 mph!) and unlike most birds, hawks have binocular vision
FEEDING HABITS: May hunt while
soaring. They can snatch birds right out of the air. Our red-tail
has been sighted eating a pigeon. Most often watches for prey
from perch in tree from which it takes off with powerful
wingbeats, then glides toward ground and snatches prey from the
ground with its powerful and sharp talons. When they extend their
legs fully in a dive, tendons spread the claws. When it strikes
its prey, the legs double up under the force of impact which
automatically clenches the toes and talons. The talons then
pierce the vital organs of the victim, causing instant death. Red
tail hawks can eat any of the following prey: grasshoppers, house
mice, field mice, rats, red and gray squirrels, rabbits, moles,
chipmunks, skunks, muskrats, porcupines, feral house cats,
waterfowl, pheasants, doves, owls, kingfishers, pigeons,
starlings, crows (we often see a family of 4 crows chasing this
red-tail out of the ball field and hillside trees), robins and
other small birds; snakes, turtles, toads, frogs, lizards,
salamanders, crayfish, crickets, beetles, spiders, earthworms,
carp and catfish caught at edge of pond or stream.
NEST: Very large, 3 feet across, made of sticks, twigs, lined with bark and sometimes decorated with green sprigs of evergreen. Usually built in oaks, pines and other large trees, from 15-70 feet or more above ground, usually in crotch of branch at trunk, often in tallest tree. In the spring of 1996 a pair of red-tails nested for the first time in recorded history on a man-made building, an apartment house on Fifth Avenue and 75th Street. The pair successfully raised 2 young.
EGGS: Eggs are laid anytime
between February and June;usually 2-3, dull white, sparsely
spotted with brown. Incubation, mostly by female while male feeds
her on the nest, lasts approximately one month. The hatchlings,
wearing soft coats of down, are feeble and their other feeds them
by holding out bits of flesh in the tip of her bill. After a week
they have developed enormous appetites and the female leaves the
nest and helps her mate search for food. The young can fly when
they are about 45 days old and are taught to hunt from the air by
their parents who continue to find prey for them until they have
gained the coordination needed to capture live prey. The young
hawks play a game of plunging and veering, increasing their
hunting skills while they play.
RANGE: Northern birds migrate as far as gulf coast during winter months, however many stay year-round in their nesting grounds if food is plentiful. The large flocks of pigeons, starlings, house sparrows, winter song birds and ducks that live year round at the marina is a strong attraction for this red-tail.
AGE: A captive female at Millbrook, N.Y., lived to 29 years old.
and gliding in migration: 20-40 mph; top speed during level
flight recorded at 40 mph, but approaching 120 mph during aerial
About Leslie Day | For Further Information
Copyright © 1996-2012 The 79th Street Boat Basin Flora and Fauna Society.